5 Ways To Reduce Industrial Energy Costs

Have you ever stopped to consider just how much energy is wasted every month in your facility? You could quickly be paying for power that is escaping through different energy sources, such as inefficient equipment and leaking air compressors. The United States is at the top of the list for wasting energy, even compared to China. Our overall energy efficiency in the U.S. in 2013 was only 42 percent. It means that a whopping 58% went to waste in just one year. Our Orange County industrial electrician from J.E.C can help your company implement energy-efficient upgrades that will reduce your energy and operational costs by a large percent.

If you are looking for some excellent ways to make your manufacturing plant more efficient, check out the following six tips that will reduce the energy costs your company is putting out and ultimately save money with an industrial electrician.


Designate a representative from each business department already familiar with operating costs to form an energy management team. You may wish to offer some incentive, such as a bonus, to get the team to work together competently. An industrial electrician in Placentia can speak with your team if they need to know what to look for within the facility.


While you may have employees who could perform an energy audit, we would like to recommend the services of an Orange County industrial electrician. We’ll perform an audit on your energy output for every department because you could save money with retrofitting fluorescent lighting and save money. We’ll discover when peak consumption times are throughout the year to pinpoint which area is costing your company the most.


After your audit is complete, address the machinery that needs the most energy to operate. If you can, schedule the machinery to work outside of peak energy hours. Your energy bill can go up 30 percent or more during peak hours, so setting a designated time can save you money in the long run.

We would also suggest scheduling production floor shut-downs from time to time. Powering all of your machinery off for some time, such as weekends or between shifts, can quickly lower your energy costs. Additionally, equipment start-up should be staggered between floors to reduce a spike in energy.


If your company uses industrial air compressors, you’re likely wasting vast amounts of energy. It is due to poor design and improper maintenance. Multiple leaks could be costing your business hundreds of dollars per year. One of our industrial electricians in Placentia can check your equipment to look for leaks or damage.


Your HVAC system works hard to make your employees and clients comfortable when they are on the floor. However, they are also responsible for at least 52 percent of the energy consumption in the building. An HVAC audit done by a professional will pinpoint issues that could be causing your energy use to go right out the window. Simply repairing the ducting in the unit or installing a new duct will reduce energy consumption by at least 30 percent or more.

When you need help with energy efficiency upgrades, Give J.E.C a call. Our experienced team members will help you discover where you are losing energy and what you can do to fix it.

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